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Chapter Constitution


Article 1. Name
The name of the organization shall be the South Carolina Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects, Incorporated, hereinafter referred to as the Chapter. The American Society of Landscape Architects shall be referred to as the Society. Terms that are common to both the Chapter and the Society, e.g., president or executive committee, shall refer to the Chapter unless otherwise specified.

Article 2. Purpose
The purpose of the Chapter shall be the advancement of knowledge, education, and skill in the art and science of landscape architecture as an instrument of service in the public welfare. To this end, the Chapter shall promote the profession of landscape architecture and advance the practice through advocacy, education, communication, and fellowship.

Article 3. Territory
301. The territory of the Chapter as determined by the Board of Trustees of the Society shall be: the State of South Carolina.

302. The Chapter shall maintain a minimum membership strength of twenty-five (25) Full Members and Associate Members of the Society, of whom at least fifteen (15) shall be Full Members, located within the territory of the Chapter.

303. Changes in the established territorial limits of the Chapter or boundary between chapters shall be proposed in accordance with the Bylaws of the Society and shall require an affirmative vote by two-thirds (2/3) of the entire voting membership of the Board of Trustees for approval.

Article 4. Membership
401. Membership in the Chapter shall be consistent with those categories of membership authorized by the Society.

402. Professional membership in the Chapter shall consist of Full Members and Associate Members. Full and Associate Members shall satisfy requirements for membership in accordance with the Bylaws of the Society and shall be assigned to the Chapter based on primary mailing address or in accordance with individual preference and circumstance.

403. Affiliate Members shall be involved with, or interested in activities associated with the professional practice of landscape architecture. Affiliate Members shall satisfy requirements for membership in accordance with the
Bylaws of the Society and shall be assigned to the Chapter based on primary mailing address or in accordance with individual preference and circumstance.
404. Other forms of affiliation with the Chapter shall satisfy requirements for affiliation in accordance with the Bylaws of the Chapter. Persons qualifying for professional membership in the Society shall not be eligible for other forms of affiliation with the Chapter. 405. The Chapter may elect Honorary Members from within its territory. Chapter Honorary Members shall be individuals other than landscape architects elected to honorary membership by the Executive Committee in accordance with the Bylaws of the Chapter.

Article 5. Voting and Leadership Privileges
501. Full Members shall have the right to vote in Chapter elections, on amendments to the Constitution, and on all other matters requiring a vote by the membership. Full Members may hold any office in the Chapter and serve on committees.

502. Associate Members shall have the right to vote in Chapter elections and on other matters requiring a vote by the membership, but shall have no vote on amendments to the Constitution. Associate Members shall not hold office as trustee, president, president-elect, or vice president of the Chapter, but may serve as secretary or treasurer or secretary-treasurer, as at-large members of the Executive Committee, as section chairs, and on committees.

503. Affiliate Members and Chapter Honorary Members shall have no vote and shall hold no office in the Chapter, but may serve on committees and participate in Chapter meetings.

504. Other privileges shall accrue to Chapter members in accordance with the Bylaws of the Chapter.

Article 6. Sections
601. The Chapter may petition the Executive Committee of the Society for establishment of sections in cities or other specific areas within its territory. Full Members, Associate Members, and Affiliate Members shall be assigned to
sections based on primary mailing address or in accordance with individual preference and circumstance.

602. Each section shall have a chair. Section chairs shall be Full or Associate Member selected by the Full and Associate Members of the section for terms in accordance with the Bylaws of the Chapter. Section chairs shall serve
as voting members of the Executive Committee of the Chapter.

Article 7. Student Chapters
701. The Chapter shall petition the Society for sponsorship of student chapters in
partnership with educational institutions within its territory that satisfy requirements for sponsorship in accordance with the Bylaws. Student
chapter charters shall be effective on approval of Chapter petitions by the Executive Committee of the Society.

702. Student chapter presidents shall be ex officio, nonvoting members of the Executive Committee of the Chapter.

Article 8. Executive Committee and Officers
801. The Chapter shall be administered by an Executive Committee comprised of the officers; the section chairs, if applicable; and such additional at-large members—of whom at least one shall be an Associate Member—as the Chapt
er may determine necessary and appropriate. The Executive Committee shall also include student chapter presidents and such other nonvoting members as the Executive Committee may determine necessary and appropriate.

802. The officers shall be the trustee, the president, the immediate past president, and the secretary-treasurer or the secretary and the treasurer. The officers may also include a president-elect and/or one or more elected vice presidents. The trustee, president, president-elect, and vice president(s) shall be Full Members.
803. Trustees shall be elected for a term of three (3) years and shall represent the
Chapter on the Board of Trustees of the Society. Trustees shall not serve more than two (2) consecutive terms. Other officers shall be elected for terms in accordance with the Bylaws of the Chapter.

804. At-large members of the Executive Committee shall be Full or Associate Members elected by the Full and Associate Members of the Chapter for terms in accordance with the Bylaws of the Chapter.

805. The Society shall be notified promptly when vacancies occur in Chapter offices and when such vacancies are filled. Vacancies occurring during term in the office of Chapter trustee shall be filled in the next Chapter election. In the interim period, the president of the Chapter may appoint a trustee provided the length of that appointment is no more than one year. Vacancies occurring during term in Chapter offices other than that of trustee shall be filled in accordance with the Bylaws of the Chapter. Vacancies occurring subsequent to an election, but prior to the assumption of office shall be filled by special election.

806. The Executive Committee shall adopt rules for its proceedings, and shall meet at times and places established by the president.

807. A majority of the Executive Committee and a quorum for the transaction of all business shall be more than one-half (1/2) of the entire voting membership of the Executive Committee, except where otherwise specified in the Constitution or Bylaws. The voting membership of the Executive Committee shall be the officers; the section chairs, if applicable; and the at-large members, if applicable

808. Incoming officers and other members of the Chapter Executive Committee shall assume office at the conclusion of the annual meeting of the Society or upon taking the oath of office when filling a vacancy and shall hold office until their successors are installed.

Article 9. Funds
901. The Chapter shall collect and disburse such funds as are necessary for its operations and accomplishing its purpose and may receive and administer gifts and bequests.

902. The Executive Committee shall levy the Full, Associate, and Affiliate Member dues required for operating the Chapter and may levy special assessments for specific purposes.
Any proposal by the Executive Committee to change the amount of dues or levy a special assessment shall be submitted to the Chapter member ship in writing for a review and comment period of not less than forty-five (45) days. At the close of the review and comment period, the Executive Committee shall vote on the proposal. An affirmative vote by three-fourths (3/4) of the entire voting members
hip of the Executive Committee shall be required for adoption.

903. No funds, property, or other assets of the Chapter shall inure to the benefit of any person.

904. All funds, property, and other assets of the Chapter shall become the funds,
property, and assets of the American Society of Landscape Architects, Inc., in the event of disbandment of the Chapter.

Article 10. Bylaws
1001. The Executive Committee shall establish the Bylaws necessary for administering the Chapter in accordance with the Constitution of the Chapter and the Constitution and Bylaws of the Society.

1002. Proposed Bylaws or Bylaws amendments shall require an affirmative vote by two-thirds (2/3) of the entire voting membership of the Executive Committee and shall become effective on adoption or on the date specified by the Executive Committee.

Article 11. Committees
1101. The Executive Committee shall establish and dissolve the standing committees and other committees necessary for accomplishing the purpose of the Chapter as established by the Constitution and in accordance with the Bylaws.

1102. In consultation with the Executive Committee, the president shall appoint the chairs and members of standing committees and other committees for specified terms unless otherwise established by the Executive Committee in
the Bylaws.

1103. In consultation with the Executive Committee, the president may create special study groups and task forces as necessary and appropriate and appoint the chairs and the members thereof to serve concurrently with the president making the appointment.

Article 12. Meetings
1201. The Chapter shall meet annually at times and places determined by the Executive Committee.

1202. Special meetings of the Chapter may be called by the president with the approval of the Executive Committee.

1203. Special meetings of the Chapter shall be called by the president on a signed petition by twenty (20) percent of the Full and Associate Members of the Chapter.

1204. A quorum at annual or special meetings of the Chapter shall be twenty (20) percent of the Full and Associate Members of the Chapter; but no vote at any meeting of the Chapter shall have any force, beyond expressing the collective judgment of those present, until it is approved by the Executive Committee and, if required by the Constitution, the Full Members of the Chapter.

Article 13. Amendments
1301. Proposed amendments to the Constitution shall be approved by an affirmative vote by two-thirds (2/3) of the entire voting membership of the Executive Committee before being submitted on a ballot to the Full Members of
the Chapter. An affirmative vote by two-thirds (2/3) of the Full Members returning a ballot shall be required for adoption.

1302. The Constitution and Bylaws of the Chapter shall be consistent with the Constitution and Bylaws of the Society. When the Constitution and Bylaws of the Society are amended, the Constitution and Bylaws of the Chapter shall also be amended as necessary and appropriate to conform with the change.

OCTOBER 29, 2003
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