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The South Carolina Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects (SCASLA) is a professional chapter within the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) and is comprised of those individuals designating themselves with this region.

Mission of the American Society of Landscape Architects

“Landscape Architects lead the planning, design, and stewardship of healthy, equitable, safe and resilient environments. The Society’s mission is to advance landscape architecture through advocacy, communication, education, and fellowship.”    (2018)

Our goal is to make this site more informative and relevant to our members and the interested public. We value the importance of being able to provide up-to-date information to our members and visitors alike. The SCASLA welcomes our members and those interested in learning more about the profession of Landscape Architecture, and hope you find this web site useful.

Here is the latest Letter from our chapter President, click here.

as well as most recent Annual Report: 2017 SC Chapter Annual Report

If you would like to learn more about the SCASLA please browse through our site. If you have any questions or would like to Join the SCASLA please feel free to Contact Us.


What is landscape architecture?

Landscape architecture combines art and science. It is the profession that designs, plans and manages our land. Landscape architecture has strong roots in the U.S., and early examples, such as Monticello, are still much admired.
The actual term landscape architecture became common after 1863 when Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux designed New York’s Central Park. Today, landscape architects deal with the increasingly complex relationships between the built and natural environments.

Meeting human needs by making wise use of our environmental resources is work that is in demand today and will continue to be needed in the future.

What do landscape architects do?

  • Landscape architects are stewards of the earth and its environment.  They plan and design traditional places such as parks, residential developments, campuses, gardens, cemeteries, commercial centers, resorts, transportation facilities, corporate and institutional centers and waterfront developments. They also design and plan the restoration of natural places disturbed by humans such as wetlands, stream corridors, mined areas and forested land. Their appreciation for historic landscapes and cultural resources enables landscape architects to undertake preservation planning projects for national, regional and local historic sites and areas.

  • They protect the health, safety, and welfare of the public and prevent irreparable harm to the environment.  Working with architects, city planners, civil engineers and other professionals, landscape architects play an important role in environmental protection by designing and implementing projects that respect both the needs of people and of our environment.

To learn more about landscape architecture, visit

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